Guest of the League
Can't Win If You Don't Play
Grand Slam $250 - Fantasy Week 12 | MLB Week 12
Operator Error $250 A Fri Mar 29 6:13pm CT
Isn’t it more like you against yourself at this point…
The End Justifies John Means Fri Mar 29 6:07pm CT
Me against the world! Watch out bitches!
JJGS250 Fri Mar 29 10:16am CT
You screwed up your draft and didn’t even set your line up? 😂
Operator Error $250 A Fri Mar 29 10:10am CT
How about at some point taking accountability for a mistake you made instead of blaming others or the website. I would vote a hard No on any rule changes as the season has started and we all signed up under the same parameters.
The End Justifies John Means Fri Mar 29 6:19am CT

Would you guys at least agree that it's okay for the league to put the players that are locked on my bench into my starting lineup?  I'm sure that you're all very competitive and nobody would want a free win...I'll back off the whole draft sucks thing and play out the year. 

Sho-Time Thu Mar 28 11:12pm CT
It sends email notifications when they have to delay to fill. I think they have a 1-2 hour rule written in. Bummer, but hey if you money it will go down in fantasy history as the most remarkable run. Maybe you will be blessed in exchange with waiver good fortune! That's where the real wins are made!
JJGS250 Thu Mar 28 3:54pm CT
Original draft was scheduled for 8:30. Was moved 3 times . Standard procedure for RTS drafts .
Now just go make history . Good luck to you.
The End Justifies John Means Thu Mar 28 3:46pm CT
The draft was scheduled for 9:30 and didn’t happen. There was no notification of delay. Kinda sketchy policy. Anyway, challenge accepted
JJGS250 Thu Mar 28 8:24am CT
Sorry it happened to you , but you kind of treated it like it was $20 bestball. If I’m investing $250 I make sure I’m able to do it. Don’t know what time zone your in but the draft was down to 2 openings at 9:30 and started at 9:45 on East coast .
Operator Error $250 A Thu Mar 28 8:14am CT
Perhaps we can make a donation in your name at the end of the season to a charity of your choice. Sorry this happened to you.
The End Justifies John Means Thu Mar 28 7:03am CT

Ladies and gentlemen I'm not sure how this league drafted but last night at 9:30 when it wasn't full I went to bed. Only to find out it drafted a crap team on auto draft.  anything we can do about this? Commissioner any input ?

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