Guest of the League
Home Run Showdown 391
HR Showdown $10 - Fantasy Week 12 | MLB Week 12


By TeamBy Date

Birdmanes Ballbusters - Marek Glinski

No transactions were performed this week.

Hkhotsskhotb320 - Anthony Albertino

No transactions were performed this week.

Launch dAngle - Timothy Yates

No transactions were performed this week.

McD - HR - 25 -

No transactions were performed this week.

Mountainmanmark HR - Mark Bradley

No transactions were performed this week.

Pensacola Cubs 24 -

No transactions were performed this week.

Phil Backert - Phil Backert

No transactions were performed this week.

Pookie - Frank Civitella

No transactions were performed this week.

Vegas 10 HR Kings - Todd Ullman

No transactions were performed this week.

Wolfpack Ate - John Schwartz

No transactions were performed this week.

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