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  • Fantasy Week 1Scoreboard
    W19. Grab them by the pus (0-0)
    M16. Graham's Crackers & (0-0)even
    W19. Grab them by the pus (0-0)
    M17. Blazers (0-0)even
    W19. Grab them by the pus (0-0)
    T18. Team Rudy (0-0)even
    W19. Grab them by the pus (0-0)
    T2. Guido (0-0)even
    M16. Graham's Crackers & (0-0)
    M17. Blazers (0-0)even
    M16. Graham's Crackers & (0-0)
    T18. Team Rudy (0-0)even
    M16. Graham's Crackers & (0-0)
    T2. Guido (0-0)even
    M17. Blazers (0-0)
    T18. Team Rudy (0-0)even
    M17. Blazers (0-0)
    T2. Guido (0-0)even
    T18. Team Rudy (0-0)
    T2. Guido (0-0)even
    R28. I 2 L (0-0)
    T39. A to the Rizzo (0-0)even
    R28. I 2 L (0-0)
    M37. Show Me Your TDs (0-0)even
    R28. I 2 L (0-0)
    R36. Goldbergs Gang (0-0)even
    R28. I 2 L (0-0)
    W35. Doug (0-0)even
    T39. A to the Rizzo (0-0)
    M37. Show Me Your TDs (0-0)even
    T39. A to the Rizzo (0-0)
    R36. Goldbergs Gang (0-0)even
    T39. A to the Rizzo (0-0)
    W35. Doug (0-0)even
    M37. Show Me Your TDs (0-0)
    R36. Goldbergs Gang (0-0)even
    M37. Show Me Your TDs (0-0)
    W35. Doug (0-0)even
    R36. Goldbergs Gang (0-0)
    W35. Doug (0-0)even
    W6. Dawgs of Chaos (0-0)
    W14. Bling Bling (0-0)even
    W6. Dawgs of Chaos (0-0)
    M8. Two Cips of Joe (0-0)even
    W6. Dawgs of Chaos (0-0)
    R13. The Muppet (0-0)even
    W6. Dawgs of Chaos (0-0)
    R20. Legion Of Doom (0-0)even
    W14. Bling Bling (0-0)
    M8. Two Cips of Joe (0-0)even
    W14. Bling Bling (0-0)
    R13. The Muppet (0-0)even
    W14. Bling Bling (0-0)
    R20. Legion Of Doom (0-0)even
    M8. Two Cips of Joe (0-0)
    R13. The Muppet (0-0)even
    M8. Two Cips of Joe (0-0)
    R20. Legion Of Doom (0-0)even
    R13. The Muppet (0-0)
    R20. Legion Of Doom (0-0)even
    M24. Mighty Ducks (0-0)
    M25. Predators (0-0)even
    M24. Mighty Ducks (0-0)
    W27. Matt Timmer (0-0)even
    M24. Mighty Ducks (0-0)
    W22. Triple A (0-0)even
    M24. Mighty Ducks (0-0)
    T31. Holidays (0-0)even
    M25. Predators (0-0)
    W27. Matt Timmer (0-0)even
    M25. Predators (0-0)
    W22. Triple A (0-0)even
    M25. Predators (0-0)
    T31. Holidays (0-0)even
    W27. Matt Timmer (0-0)
    W22. Triple A (0-0)even
    W27. Matt Timmer (0-0)
    T31. Holidays (0-0)even
    W22. Triple A (0-0)
    T31. Holidays (0-0)even
    T7. DLS (0-0)
    M9. The GOAT (0-0)even
    T7. DLS (0-0)
    M40. Red Dogs (0-0)even
    T7. DLS (0-0)
    W11. Scott Williams (0-0)even
    T7. DLS (0-0)
    R29. Nick Chubb (0-0)even
    M9. The GOAT (0-0)
    M40. Red Dogs (0-0)even
    M9. The GOAT (0-0)
    W11. Scott Williams (0-0)even
    M9. The GOAT (0-0)
    R29. Nick Chubb (0-0)even
    M40. Red Dogs (0-0)
    W11. Scott Williams (0-0)even
    M40. Red Dogs (0-0)
    R29. Nick Chubb (0-0)even
    W11. Scott Williams (0-0)
    R29. Nick Chubb (0-0)even
    W38. POOKA CHU (0-0)
    R21. J.A.B. (0-0)even
    W38. POOKA CHU (0-0)
    R4. Natural Law (0-0)even
    W38. POOKA CHU (0-0)
    W3. Max Power (0-0)even
    W38. POOKA CHU (0-0)
    T10. I Drink and I Know T (0-0)even
    R21. J.A.B. (0-0)
    R4. Natural Law (0-0)even
    R21. J.A.B. (0-0)
    W3. Max Power (0-0)even
    R21. J.A.B. (0-0)
    T10. I Drink and I Know T (0-0)even
    R4. Natural Law (0-0)
    W3. Max Power (0-0)even
    R4. Natural Law (0-0)
    T10. I Drink and I Know T (0-0)even
    W3. Max Power (0-0)
    T10. I Drink and I Know T (0-0)even
    T15. Creek Squad (0-0)
    T23. So Good It Hurts (0-0)even
    T15. Creek Squad (0-0)
    R5. Matt Geo (0-0)even
    T15. Creek Squad (0-0)
    M32.Desert Dogz (0-0)even
    T15. Creek Squad (0-0)
    R12.Domingo Santana (0-0)even
    T23. So Good It Hurts (0-0)
    R5. Matt Geo (0-0)even
    T23. So Good It Hurts (0-0)
    M32.Desert Dogz (0-0)even
    T23. So Good It Hurts (0-0)
    R12.Domingo Santana (0-0)even
    R5. Matt Geo (0-0)
    M32.Desert Dogz (0-0)even
    R5. Matt Geo (0-0)
    R12.Domingo Santana (0-0)even
    M32.Desert Dogz (0-0)
    R12.Domingo Santana (0-0)even
    M33. LongShot03xx (0-0)
    T34. DJaxx (0-0)even
    M33. LongShot03xx (0-0)
    T26. Two Muncan's and a J (0-0)even
    M33. LongShot03xx (0-0)
    M1. (0-0)even
    M33. LongShot03xx (0-0)
    W30. Dirty Myrtle K-Dawgs (0-0)even
    T34. DJaxx (0-0)
    T26. Two Muncan's and a J (0-0)even
    T34. DJaxx (0-0)
    M1. (0-0)even
    T34. DJaxx (0-0)
    W30. Dirty Myrtle K-Dawgs (0-0)even
    T26. Two Muncan's and a J (0-0)
    M1. (0-0)even
    T26. Two Muncan's and a J (0-0)
    W30. Dirty Myrtle K-Dawgs (0-0)even
    M1. (0-0)
    W30. Dirty Myrtle K-Dawgs (0-0)even
    W19. Grab them by the pus (0-0)
    W6. Dawgs of Chaos (0-0)even
    W19. Grab them by the pus (0-0)
    W14. Bling Bling (0-0)even
    W19. Grab them by the pus (0-0)
    M8. Two Cips of Joe (0-0)even
    W19. Grab them by the pus (0-0)
    R13. The Muppet (0-0)even
    W19. Grab them by the pus (0-0)
    R20. Legion Of Doom (0-0)even
    M16. Graham's Crackers & (0-0)
    W6. Dawgs of Chaos (0-0)even
    M16. Graham's Crackers & (0-0)
    W14. Bling Bling (0-0)even
    M16. Graham's Crackers & (0-0)
    M8. Two Cips of Joe (0-0)even
    M16. Graham's Crackers & (0-0)
    R13. The Muppet (0-0)even
    M16. Graham's Crackers & (0-0)
    R20. Legion Of Doom (0-0)even
    M17. Blazers (0-0)
    W6. Dawgs of Chaos (0-0)even
    M17. Blazers (0-0)
    W14. Bling Bling (0-0)even
    M17. Blazers (0-0)
    M8. Two Cips of Joe (0-0)even
    M17. Blazers (0-0)
    R13. The Muppet (0-0)even
    M17. Blazers (0-0)
    R20. Legion Of Doom (0-0)even
    T18. Team Rudy (0-0)
    W6. Dawgs of Chaos (0-0)even
    T18. Team Rudy (0-0)
    W14. Bling Bling (0-0)even
    T18. Team Rudy (0-0)
    M8. Two Cips of Joe (0-0)even
    T18. Team Rudy (0-0)
    R13. The Muppet (0-0)even
    T18. Team Rudy (0-0)
    R20. Legion Of Doom (0-0)even
    T2. Guido (0-0)
    W6. Dawgs of Chaos (0-0)even
    T2. Guido (0-0)
    W14. Bling Bling (0-0)even
    T2. Guido (0-0)
    M8. Two Cips of Joe (0-0)even
    T2. Guido (0-0)
    R13. The Muppet (0-0)even
    T2. Guido (0-0)
    R20. Legion Of Doom (0-0)even
    R28. I 2 L (0-0)
    M24. Mighty Ducks (0-0)even
    R28. I 2 L (0-0)
    M25. Predators (0-0)even
    R28. I 2 L (0-0)
    W27. Matt Timmer (0-0)even
    R28. I 2 L (0-0)
    W22. Triple A (0-0)even
    R28. I 2 L (0-0)
    T31. Holidays (0-0)even
    T39. A to the Rizzo (0-0)
    M24. Mighty Ducks (0-0)even
    T39. A to the Rizzo (0-0)
    M25. Predators (0-0)even
    T39. A to the Rizzo (0-0)
    W27. Matt Timmer (0-0)even
    T39. A to the Rizzo (0-0)
    W22. Triple A (0-0)even
    T39. A to the Rizzo (0-0)
    T31. Holidays (0-0)even
    M37. Show Me Your TDs (0-0)
    M24. Mighty Ducks (0-0)even
    M37. Show Me Your TDs (0-0)
    M25. Predators (0-0)even
    M37. Show Me Your TDs (0-0)
    W27. Matt Timmer (0-0)even
    M37. Show Me Your TDs (0-0)
    W22. Triple A (0-0)even
    M37. Show Me Your TDs (0-0)
    T31. Holidays (0-0)even
    R36. Goldbergs Gang (0-0)
    M24. Mighty Ducks (0-0)even
    R36. Goldbergs Gang (0-0)
    M25. Predators (0-0)even
    R36. Goldbergs Gang (0-0)
    W27. Matt Timmer (0-0)even
    R36. Goldbergs Gang (0-0)
    W22. Triple A (0-0)even
    R36. Goldbergs Gang (0-0)
    T31. Holidays (0-0)even
    W35. Doug (0-0)
    M24. Mighty Ducks (0-0)even
    W35. Doug (0-0)
    M25. Predators (0-0)even
    W35. Doug (0-0)
    W27. Matt Timmer (0-0)even
    W35. Doug (0-0)
    W22. Triple A (0-0)even
    W35. Doug (0-0)
    T31. Holidays (0-0)even
    T7. DLS (0-0)
    M33. LongShot03xx (0-0)even
    T7. DLS (0-0)
    T34. DJaxx (0-0)even
    T7. DLS (0-0)
    T26. Two Muncan's and a J (0-0)even
    T7. DLS (0-0)
    M1. (0-0)even
    T7. DLS (0-0)
    W30. Dirty Myrtle K-Dawgs (0-0)even
    M9. The GOAT (0-0)
    M33. LongShot03xx (0-0)even
    M9. The GOAT (0-0)
    T34. DJaxx (0-0)even
    M9. The GOAT (0-0)
    T26. Two Muncan's and a J (0-0)even
    M9. The GOAT (0-0)
    M1. (0-0)even
    M9. The GOAT (0-0)
    W30. Dirty Myrtle K-Dawgs (0-0)even
    M40. Red Dogs (0-0)
    M33. LongShot03xx (0-0)even
    M40. Red Dogs (0-0)
    T34. DJaxx (0-0)even
    M40. Red Dogs (0-0)
    T26. Two Muncan's and a J (0-0)even
    M40. Red Dogs (0-0)
    M1. (0-0)even
    M40. Red Dogs (0-0)
    W30. Dirty Myrtle K-Dawgs (0-0)even
    W11. Scott Williams (0-0)
    M33. LongShot03xx (0-0)even
    W11. Scott Williams (0-0)
    T34. DJaxx (0-0)even
    W11. Scott Williams (0-0)
    T26. Two Muncan's and a J (0-0)even
    W11. Scott Williams (0-0)
    M1. (0-0)even
    W11. Scott Williams (0-0)
    W30. Dirty Myrtle K-Dawgs (0-0)even
    R29. Nick Chubb (0-0)
    M33. LongShot03xx (0-0)even
    R29. Nick Chubb (0-0)
    T34. DJaxx (0-0)even
    R29. Nick Chubb (0-0)
    T26. Two Muncan's and a J (0-0)even
    R29. Nick Chubb (0-0)
    M1. (0-0)even
    R29. Nick Chubb (0-0)
    W30. Dirty Myrtle K-Dawgs (0-0)even
    W38. POOKA CHU (0-0)
    T15. Creek Squad (0-0)even
    W38. POOKA CHU (0-0)
    T23. So Good It Hurts (0-0)even
    W38. POOKA CHU (0-0)
    R5. Matt Geo (0-0)even
    W38. POOKA CHU (0-0)
    M32.Desert Dogz (0-0)even
    W38. POOKA CHU (0-0)
    R12.Domingo Santana (0-0)even
    R21. J.A.B. (0-0)
    T15. Creek Squad (0-0)even
    R21. J.A.B. (0-0)
    T23. So Good It Hurts (0-0)even
    R21. J.A.B. (0-0)
    R5. Matt Geo (0-0)even
    R21. J.A.B. (0-0)
    M32.Desert Dogz (0-0)even
    R21. J.A.B. (0-0)
    R12.Domingo Santana (0-0)even
    R4. Natural Law (0-0)
    T15. Creek Squad (0-0)even
    R4. Natural Law (0-0)
    T23. So Good It Hurts (0-0)even
    R4. Natural Law (0-0)
    R5. Matt Geo (0-0)even
    R4. Natural Law (0-0)
    M32.Desert Dogz (0-0)even
    R4. Natural Law (0-0)
    R12.Domingo Santana (0-0)even
    W3. Max Power (0-0)
    T15. Creek Squad (0-0)even
    W3. Max Power (0-0)
    T23. So Good It Hurts (0-0)even
    W3. Max Power (0-0)
    R5. Matt Geo (0-0)even
    W3. Max Power (0-0)
    M32.Desert Dogz (0-0)even
    W3. Max Power (0-0)
    R12.Domingo Santana (0-0)even
    T10. I Drink and I Know T (0-0)
    T15. Creek Squad (0-0)even
    T10. I Drink and I Know T (0-0)
    T23. So Good It Hurts (0-0)even
    T10. I Drink and I Know T (0-0)
    R5. Matt Geo (0-0)even
    T10. I Drink and I Know T (0-0)
    M32.Desert Dogz (0-0)even
    T10. I Drink and I Know T (0-0)
    R12.Domingo Santana (0-0)even
  • Player Notes
    Tee Higgins Jun 16 1:13pm CT
    Tee Higgins

    Dynasty | Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins is signing his franchise tender. Dynasty Analysis: Higgins and the Bengals will now have until July 15th to work out a long-term deal or he'll play next year on this one-year, $21.8 million contract. The two sides continue to be far apart on a contract that would keep Higgins in Cincinnati beyond this season but at least it looks like he won't attempt a holdout that bleeds into minicamp. From a dynasty perspective, most Higgins managers are likely hoping he ends up somewhere else eventually as a WR1. Blocked a bit by Ja'Marr Chase, Higgins remains a solid WR2 in dynasty leagues for the time being.

    From Dynasty League Fantasy

    Blake Corum Jun 16 1:13pm CT
    Blake Corum

    Dynasty | Rams running back Blake Corum is reportedly shining in OTAs. Dynasty Analysis: There have been multiple reports from outlets all over that indicate the same. This is interesting because Kyren Williams has shown to be a very effective player in dynasty leagues and currently holds the top spot in a fantasy friendly offense. While Corum likely won't jump him on the depth chart (especially in the Summer), there are legitimate concerns he could make this a two-man committee, creating a nightmare in dynasty leagues. Corum is starting to look like a very solid mid-round pick in rookie drafts.

    From Dynasty League Fantasy

    Tee Higgins Jun 16 11:40am CT
    Tee Higgins

    Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins signed his franchise tender on Saturday, according to a source. By signing his tender, Higgins is now expected to be at training camp next month. A long-term deal for Higgins is considered a long shot at this point, especially since with WR1 Ja'Marr Chase has only two years remaining on his current deal. The 25-year-old Higgins will make $21.8 million in the franchise tag in 2024 before becoming a free agent next March. The former second-rounder (33rd overall) in 2020 out of Clemson struggled with injuries in his fourth NFL season in 2023, playing in only 12 games and catching 42 passes for a career-low 656 yards and five touchdowns. With better health for himself and quarterback Joe Burrow (wrist), Higgins should be able to bounce back in a contract year and would be a fine target as a high-end WR3/low-end WR2.

    From RotoBaller

    Michael Badgley Jun 16 11:40am CT
    Michael Badgley

    The Detroit Lions signed big-footed UFL kicker Jake Bates to an undisclosed two-year deal this week, according to his agent, Marty Magid. The 24-year-old ranked second in the UFL this year with 17 field goals for the Michigan Panthers, which included a 64-yard game-winning kick in the season opener against the St. Louis Battlehawks. The former soccer player didn't turn to football until his senior year in high school and was a kickoff specialist in college at Texas State and Arkansas. Bates will now look to impress the Lions coaching staff in training camp and the preseason. Detroit also has kickers Michael Badgley and James Turner on the roster, so Bates is far from a guarantee to make the final 53-man roster heading into the regular season. If Bates wins the starting job in 2024, he might be worth a look in 12-team leagues in Detroit's strong offense while kicking half his games indoors.

    From RotoBaller

    Christian Benford Jun 16 11:40am CT
    Christian Benford

    Buffalo Bills cornerback Kaiir Elam just turned 23 years old and has gotten a ton of repetitions this spring with veteran Rasul Douglas missing the voluntary organized team activities. Elam will be in line to challenge for a starting outside cornerback role in training camp and the preseason. He was taken with the 23rd overall pick in the 2022 NFL draft out of Florida, but he hasn't really panned out yet for the Bills secondary early in his career. It comes after Tre'Davious White left to play for the Los Angeles Rams. Elam will be competing with Douglas and Christian Benford for more snaps on the outside at cornerback as he heads into his third NFL season. At worst, Elam will be a key backup for the Bills defense this year.

    From RotoBaller

    Dalton Kincaid Jun 16 11:40am CT
    Dalton Kincaid's Chris Brown lists Buffalo Bills second-year tight end Dalton Kincaid as a breakout candidate in 2024 after finishing eighth among tight ends in his rookie season in receptions with 73. With receiver Stefon Diggs now gone -- Diggs was the only player in the passing game that had more targets than Kincaid in 2023 -- the opportunity is ripe for Kincaid to lead the team in that category this year. If he stays healthy, the former 25th overall pick could be a top-five fantasy tight end in just his second year in the league. In addition to his 73 receptions (on 91 targets), Kincaid had 673 receiving yards and two touchdowns in 16 regular-season games (11 starts) in 2023. Kincaid's combination of talent at a shallow position and the opportunity in Buffalo in 2024 will make him pretty attractive in all fantasy setups.

    From RotoBaller

    Jaxon Smith-Njigba Jun 16 11:40am CT
    Jaxon Smith-Njigba

    Seattle Seahawks second-year wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba is an obvious breakout candidate in his sophomore season despite being in a receiving corps that still has DK Metcalf and Tyler Lockett and in an offense that figures to lean more on the running game than new offensive coordinator Ryan Grubb did at the University of Washington. In his first year in the league in 2023, Smith-Njigba had 63 catches for 628 yards and four touchdowns in 17 games. No player stood out more than JSN during spring workouts and minicamp, although Metcalf and Lockett weren't always on the field with him. He was downright dominant at times, though, and head coach Mike Macdonald said "we're expecting big things out of him." The 22-year-old has his fantasy ceiling capped as long as Metcalf and Lockett are healthy, but fantasy managers still shouldn't mind rostering him as a WR4/flex.

    From RotoBaller

    Stephon Gilmore Jun 16 11:40am CT
    Stephon Gilmore

    Free-agent cornerback Stephon Gilmore remains unsigned heading toward training camp. Yet, he doesn't seem to mind. "Being patient right now," said the multi-time Pro Bowler during a recent interview. "I feel good. Year 13, been playing a long time. So, I'm just being patient and waiting for the right opportunity." The 2012 No. 10 overall pick appeared in 17 games for Dallas last season. He totaled 68 tackles (54 solo), two interceptions, and 13 passes defensed. In April, Gilmore was rumored to be nearing an agreement with the Panthers, the team he played for in 2021-22. However, that never happened. Nonetheless, there's a good chance he'll find work sometime soon. But for now, he'll remain on the open market until he finds a contract to his liking.

    From RotoBaller

    Dak Prescott Jun 16 11:40am CT
    Dak Prescott

    Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott is still without a new contract. Both sides haven't worked out an agreement. However, as Yahoo Sports' Charles Robinson indicated, Trevor Lawrence's new deal could result in Prescott getting more money. The 30-year-old is coming off another potent season, throwing for 4,516 yards, 36 touchdowns, and nine interceptions while completing a career-high 69.5% of his attempts. Without question, if the Cowboys allow Prescott to reach free agency next offseason, he would command more than enough attention on the open market. In the meantime, Prescott should remain a top fantasy signal-caller, considering he has CeeDee Lamb, arguably the league's top wideout, at his disposal.

    From RotoBaller

    Stephon Gilmore Jun 15 4:53pm CT
    Stephon Gilmore

    Free-agent CB Stephon Gilmore (Cowboys) is 'being patient right now' when it comes to signing with a team, he told media members Friday, June 14. He said no team has met his asking price yet.

    From TheHuddle

    Brian Daboll Jun 15 11:30am CT
    Brian Daboll

    New York Giants offensive lineman Evan Neal (ankle) had surgery to fix a small fracture in his ankle in early January, but he had participated in some individual drills in the first two open organized team activity practices. However, head coach Brian Daboll said the team "backed off" the 2022 first-rounder recently. Neal was in the facility rehabbing for the first half of minicamp practices before riding a stationary bike on the sideline. The 6-foot-7, 340-pounder was laboring as he walked around the practice fields this week. This doesn't bode well for Neal's status heading into training camp next month. We'll keep a close eye on his status this summer as the Giants look to massively improve what was a terrible offensive line in 2023.

    From RotoBaller

    Breece Hall Jun 15 11:30am CT
    Breece Hall

    New York Jets running back Breece Hall (lower body) was held out of minicamp practices as a precaution with a minor lower-body injury. "I'm just focused on continuing to get better and just to keep building my body up for the season," Hall said. "I could practice right now. I feel great, but the coaches are really cautious with me, and I appreciate them for that. It has been a good time still being a part of everything. I do all the walkthroughs and stuff we've been doing." Last year, Hall didn't practice until late August after coming off a torn ACL, but he still racked up 1,588 scrimmage yards and nine touchdowns in 2023. It may raise some eyebrows that he's dealing with an injury this offseason, but as long as he's fine in training camp, fantasy managers should have no worries taking Hall as a top-three fantasy RB in the first round of drafts.

    From RotoBaller

    D.K. Metcalf Jun 15 11:30am CT
    D.K. Metcalf

    Seattle Seahawks new head coach Mike Macdonald said his coaching staff plans to make wide receiver DK Metcalf a "moving target" for defenses this year. "I can tell you this: We want to get DK the ball a lot, too," Macdonald said. The Seahawks and new offensive coordinator Ryan Grubb plan to move Metcalf around and get him the ball often after he ended the 2023 campaign on a sour note, catching just one pass for 10 yards in the season finale. Still, the 26-year-old made his second Pro Bowl and topped 1,000 yards receiving for the second straight season and the third time in five years while also visiting paydirt eight times. Fantasy managers won't complain about the Seahawks using Metcalf more creatively, including more in the slot, to make him more productive. Treat him as a solid WR2 wideout in fantasy drafts this fall.

    From RotoBaller

    Jake Ferguson Jun 15 11:30am CT
    Jake Ferguson

    Dallas Cowboys tight end Jake Ferguson broke out as the team's starting tight end in 2023 with 71 catches for 761 yards and five touchdowns en route to his first Pro Bowl nod. "It's his consistency and his passion his energy," said head coach Mike McCarthy. "And, really, it's his growth as a football player. We talked a little bit about his weight, and I think he's done an outstanding job in his transition phase of it. He's having a great offseason." Ferguson has so far shown that he has the entire package the Cowboys are looking for on offense. Realistically, the 25-year-old third-year tight end could be quarterback Dak Prescott's No. 2 target behind receiver CeeDee Lamb in 2024. Ferguson led all TEs in targets inside the 20-yard line last year and should be considered a low-end TE1 in fantasy with the upside for more.

    From RotoBaller

    Blake Corum Jun 15 11:30am CT
    Blake Corum

    Los Angeles Rams rookie running back Blake Corum has impressed head coach Sean McVay this offseason as he attempts to learn the offense and carve out a role for himself behind lead back Kyren Williams. "On the offensive side, I've been pleased with a lot of guys but Blake Corum has really stood out," McVay said. "Mature beyond his years. I love the way that he handles himself." Williams remains the leader of this backfield, but Corum will get his opportunities in 2024 and said himself that he'll "definitely be catching the ball out of the backfield." The 23-year-old third-rounder out of Michigan has endeared himself to the Rams' coaching staff already, and Williams' foot injury has allowed him more reps this offseason. Corum will be a top handcuff option for those that roster Williams, and he could even carve out some RB3/flex value in point-per-reception leagues in 2024.

    From RotoBaller

    Khalil Shakir Jun 15 11:30am CT
    Khalil Shakir

    Buffalo Bills wide receiver Khalil Shakir (lower body) said he's all good and expects to be 100 percent healthy for the start of training camp at the end of July. Shakir suffered an undisclosed lower-body injury during minicamp practice earlier this week and didn't practice the rest of the week. However, it appears that the injury isn't serious and won't keep him off the field for the start of training camp. Now that both Stefon Diggs and Gabe Davis aren't in Buffalo, the 24-year-old former fifth-round pick in 2022 will have an increased role in the Bills' passing attack in 2024 after finishing the 2023 season off on a strong note. Still, Shakir has a ways to go to become relevant in standard-sized fantasy leagues after catching 39 passes for 611 yards and only two touchdowns in 17 regular-season games (10 starts) in his second NFL campaign in 2023.

    From RotoBaller

    Chase Young Jun 15 11:30am CT
    Chase Young

    New Orleans Saints defensive end Chase Young (neck), who had offseason neck surgery, received a positive report from renowned specialist Dr. Robert Watkins during a checkup this week, according to a source. Young will have more tests on his neck in around six weeks, but he plans to take part in training camp this summer. The former second overall pick by the Washington Commanders in 2020 out of Ohio State won Defensive Rookie of the Year in his first season in the league, but then injuries struck. He was able to play in 16 games with Washington and the San Francisco 49ers last year, though, and finished with 7.5 sacks, the same amount he had in 2020. If the 25-year-old can just say on the field, the Saints could have a real steal on their hands on their D-line. Because of the injury risk, Young can be left to the waiver wire in IDP leagues to start the year.

    From RotoBaller

    Calais Campbell Jun 15 11:30am CT
    Calais Campbell

    Six-time Pro Bowl defensive end Calais Campbell signed an undisclosed deal with the Miami Dolphins on Thursday, according to sources. Campbell will turn 38 years old in September but he's still playing at a high level as he enters his 17th season in the NFL. The 37-year-old is looking to finish out his career in Miami after playing his college ball with the Hurricanes. The veteran pass-rusher doesn't play as many snaps as he did earlier in his career, which puts him off the fantasy radar in most IDP leagues, but he could still be productive when he's on the field for an already strong Dolphins defense. In 17 starts for the Atlanta Falcons last year, Campbell had 56 tackles (32 solo), 6.5 sacks, 10 tackles for loss and 17 QB hits. Campbell hasn't had double-digit sacks in a season since 2018 and hasn't made a Pro Bowl since 2020.

    From RotoBaller

    Jayden Daniels Jun 15 11:30am CT
    Jayden Daniels

    The Washington Commanders and second overall pick Jayden Daniels agreed to terms on a four-year, $37.75 million fully guaranteed deal on Friday that includes a $24.3 million signing bonus, according to his agent. The young quarterback out of LSU is the highest pick of this year's NFL draft to sign their rookie deal to this point. While Daniels is technically competing for the starting gig in his rookie season in 2024 with veteran Marcus Mariota, most people are projecting Daniels to win the competition and start right away in Week 1 in D.C. The 23-year-old dual-threat signal-caller has all the physical skills to have success at the next level in an offense without much proven talent at the receiver position beyond Terry McLaurin. Aside from durability concerns, Daniels has the makeup to have a seamless transition to the NFL, immediately making him relevant in two-QB, superflex leagues in 2024.

    From RotoBaller

    Adam Trautman Jun 15 11:30am CT
    Adam Trautman

    Denver Broncos tight end Adam Trautman (core) was held out of mandatory minicamp practices this week as a precaution due to a core-muscle injury. "Just being smart with his reps," head coach Sean Payton said. "He had core-muscle symptoms, which is basically a sprain. He didn't need surgery, so that's the good news. Nothing significant though." It sounds like it's an injury that won't keep Trautman sidelined for the start of training camp at the end of July. The 27-year-old re-signed with Denver in the offseason after catching 22 passes for 204 yards and a career-high three touchdowns in 17 games in his first year in Denver in 2023. Third-year tight end Greg Dulcich (foot) has had trouble staying on the field in his first two years in the NFL, but if he's healthy, he'll be the better bet for fantasy production in 2024 than Trautman.

    From RotoBaller

  • 2024 AVG Draft Position
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    Thu 7:20pm CT
    Fri 7:15pm CT
    Sun 12:00pm CT
    Sun 12:00pm CT
    Sun 12:00pm CT
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    Mon 7:15pm CT
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