Guest of the League
Lets Deal
Triple Play $100 - Fantasy Week 8 | MLB Week 8


Fantasy Week 1/2 - MLB Week 1/2

Hoppers TP 4 - 100518.5vsClarenceOdbody320.5
82BrewCrew391.5vsDracarys 7395.5
The Dude577.5vsCobra Kai342.5
MAYHEM378.0vsCease and Desist389.0
Why Goeth Elsewhere?402.0vsBrother Butch 1978419.0

Fantasy Week 3 - MLB Week 3

Hoppers TP 4 - 100341.0vsThe Dude236.5
82BrewCrew309.5vsWhy Goeth Elsewhere?194.5
Dracarys 7299.0vsCease and Desist280.0
Cobra Kai235.5vsBrother Butch 1978249.0

Fantasy Week 4 - MLB Week 4

Hoppers TP 4 - 100322.5vs82BrewCrew310.5
ClarenceOdbody289.5vsThe Dude297.5
Dracarys 7204.0vsWhy Goeth Elsewhere?276.0
MAYHEM176.5vsCobra Kai231.0
Cease and Desist278.0vsBrother Butch 1978254.0

Fantasy Week 5 - MLB Week 5

Hoppers TP 4 - 100289.5vsDracarys 7218.0
ClarenceOdbody272.0vsCobra Kai242.0
82BrewCrew290.5vsThe Dude246.0
MAYHEM238.0vsCease and Desist309.0
Why Goeth Elsewhere?255.0vsBrother Butch 1978256.5

Fantasy Week 6 - MLB Week 6

Hoppers TP 4 - 100300.0vsClarenceOdbody189.5
Dracarys 7241.0vsThe Dude308.0
Cobra Kai231.0vsBrother Butch 1978199.5
Why Goeth Elsewhere?204.0vsCease and Desist235.5

Fantasy Week 7 - MLB Week 7

Hoppers TP 4 - 100268.0vsThe Dude329.5
Dracarys 7325.5vsCease and Desist228.0
MAYHEM236.5vsBrother Butch 1978232.0
Cobra Kai252.0vsWhy Goeth Elsewhere?236.5

Playoff Week 1 - MLB Week 25

No Games Scheduled

Playoff Week 2 - MLB Week 26

No Games Scheduled

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